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Simple Acts

When I was in kindergarten, a classmate had an accident - she peed her pants during our winter concert practice.

I remember feeling a surge of panic for her, but I didn't hesitate.

I took charge, quietly got the teacher's attention, and escorted my classmate to the bathroom.

I covered for her, shielding her from the embarrassment and teasing that could've followed.

Even at five years old, I'd already learned from my mom's disability that kindness and compassion can be powerful tools. It was a lesson that stuck with me.

That classmate is now one of my favorite people. Our bond is a reminder that small, quiet acts of kindness can have a profound impact. These are the things that connect us, that keep us human. We don't have to shout about it or seek praise.

Sometimes, it's the simplest, most unassuming acts that make a difference in this world.

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