They say nobody can hold you back but yourself, but that's a lie.
It's a shame-filled narrative that ignores the impact others can have on our lives.
People can hold you back, and they do.
Some will tell you to "be realistic," settle for less, and abandon your passions.
They'll make you doubt your worth, intelligence, and talent.
That's a evil message that can destroy your whole
s o u l.
But your p a s s i o n s and desires matter.
They live in you for a reason.
They're what make you come a l i v e.
That means more than anything.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. When someone tries to suffocate your dreams, it's often because they've abandoned their own.
But you don't have to let their doubts become yours.
Surround yourself with people who i n s p i r e, who take risks, and who fight for their aspirations.