I've always been a writer, ever since I was a little girl.
I vividly remember the first poem I ever wrote, when I was 11 years old. It started like this:
"There is a girl inside of me that no one knows about.
She's trapped in a small box deep within my thoughts and actions.
She cries out, but no one hears the pain that she speaks deep within the words of my mind…."
Even back then, I was drawn to the caged bird metaphor – the idea of a beautiful, vibrant creature trapped and longing to be free. It resonated with me on a deep level, and it's a theme that's continued to echo throughout my life. I've even been gifted a heart with a cage around it.
But here's the thing: I'm no longer trapped in that little box. With each word I write, each truth I speak, I feel the bars of that cage dissolving, every day. There's freedom in honesty – honesty with ourselves, and honesty with those around us.
My hope for you is that you'll find your own path to freedom if you haven’t already, whether that's through writing, speaking your truth, or simply being honest with yourself and those around you. Remember, your freedom is worth fighting for.